1297: Oligosynthetic Languages pt. 3 (ConLangs) Jun 29, 2018

In this third and final post in this short series about oligosynthetic languages, which you can see more about in the link. All Oligosynthetic languages classified as such are all invented languages, generally with the idea of simplicity in mind. A few examples of these include Ygyde, Sona, and Newspeak. Toki pona is a language developed with only 120 words, though now an additional 3 have been added. This language relies on a great deal of inferences, context, but also compounding such that a word like 'coffee' might appear as something equivalent to 'hot brown liquid'. This language however was created not in order to be for complicated communication, but for easy-to-learn language for business and other activities like that.
Make sure to check out the new video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTKKSf35LSE&t=10s


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